A current working group formed by the ICANN Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) Council is looking at how a domain name should be locked during UDRP proceedings. If you have anything to say in this matter, I suggest you participate in the related survey, as we just did.
I’m actually a bit surprised that this is such a huge issue and would love to see statistics on how this is currently handled by registrars. I think in general the directions are clear and so is what a “lock” means, but then again, our registrars/registrants are not commonly targeted by UDRP.
Further information about the work group (they are still looking for participants) can be found here.
One issue we did encounter though is that the initial notice in a case we recently handled on behalf of a client registrar was apparently too large for one of the involved mail-servers to handle. In this case it’s important for the UDRP provider to act based on the bounce message that they use other means to contact the registrar. After receiving the copy of the complaint directly from the complainant we attempt to verify the validity with the UDRP provider, which unfortunately took another seven days to respond to our request for confirmation.
Obviously we also examined and adjusted the limits for inbound mail in this case.
Last modified: November 14, 2016 / Created: Tuesday, June 12th, 2012