For our managed registrar customers, we’re already operating the Registrar Data Escrow (RDE). Two of our prospects asked us about a script that can automatically retrieve contact information for all of the domains in another company’s registrar system and generate and submit a deposit to DENIC’s or Iron Mountain’s RDE service to comply with ICANN’s requirements.
The script does the following:
- Pulls the whois information for all of the domains through your registrar service provider’s API or database.
- Puts the information into the prescribed format for a Registrar Data Escrow deposit.
- Encrypts the data
- Provides a checksum file
- Deposits the data with Registrar Data Escrow provider
- Writes details of the run to a logfile
- Sends a report email confirming the deposit for your records
It is usually installed as a cron job to run at the prescribed intervals – usually once a week for smaller registrars.
Included in the purchase price:
- Customization to work with your service provider’s API or database
- Installation on your servers
- Setup of cronjob to run deposits
- Communication with Registrar Data Escrow Service Provider and setup of encryption and deposit
- Support for one year after installation
Currently implemented registrar system providers (others can be added):
- LogicBoxes
- Database (jwhoisserver)
Currently implemented Registrar Data Escrow Providers (others can be added):
- Iron Mountain
Pricing starts at USD 2,500, depending on your current service provider for the registrar platform. To get a quote or if you would like to know more about this product, please contact us directly.
Last modified: October 9, 2020 / Created: Tuesday, May 27th, 2014